Tuesday, 29 April 2008

6 days left

Now if any of you know me personally, you will know that I am currently rotting away in the University Student Funding Office where I have been temping since I left Uni. I am now eagerly awaiting my new job with Prezzybox.com. I have 6 working days left here before I leave. I can't wait!

The past month has been a strange one, after going to 2 interviews at prezzybox (in the middle of nowhere) I decide to take the plunge and finish my driving lessons. being a temp I could afford to take loads of time off to do it so why not. I took a 2 week intensive course, 8 days with 3 hours driving per day and working the rest of the day, exhausting! I got offered the job during the first week of lessons and managed to get a cancellation test for the saturday after my course had finished, lucky me. I passsed, contrary to everyone's expectations!

what a month

Anyway, I am now waiting to get my car on thursday (Mum's old car, she's just got a nice new shiny one) and I'm counting down the days left here.

I'm sure this place makes my Emet worse. sitting at this desk all day doing nothing but surfing the net as there's nothing else to do, I kid ye not! not being busy makes me feel sick. I only hope that when I start the new job my brain will re-attatch itself quickly. Its been detatched for about 9 months now.

6 Days, 1 Hour and 10 Minutes to go

can you tell I'm desperate to get out of here yet?

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